Being in the business of helping people make smart choices about their money is very serious business. The decisions we make now can have long-lasting effects on how we live our lives. Therefore, in the process of taking this very, very seriously occasionally I will change directions on an as needed basis as our environment changes directions. It's all part of the normal process.
Last week I mentioned on my Facebook page that I am somewhat more optimistic than I was six months ago. This is true. But, it is with qualifications.
Surprisingly, it is not because I think the unemployment declines or the increased consumer spending numbers, or any government programs coming out are anything to write home about. They're not. What I am more optimistic about is that the news has been pretty bad for quite a while. What this means is that the ever present, world renowned pricing mechanism has been allowed to do its job for quite a long time. Since it is always truthful… eventually …we now have information to write home about. Specifically, I am referring to the price of housing. We may begin to see a glimmer of light in our housing spelunking adventure.
According to several sources including the National Association of Realtors, FactSet, and the US Census Bureau; several important things of occurred over the last few years. - The median price of existing home sales has dropped from a peak in November, 2005 from $227,000 to $165,000 as of November, 2011. That’s a drop of over 27%.
- Mortgage payments, on average, for new homes as a percentage of average household personal income is down to 10.3% as of November of 2011. To give you some perspective, back in 2006 it was approximately 20%. Back in 1982 it was 37%.
- Household debt as a percentage of disposable income is down to 11%. This is about average historically. At its worst it was up around 14% back in the third quarter 2007.
- We are at the point where the national average mortgage payment for a home of $521 per month is below the national average rent of $708 per month according to JP Morgan.
Tipping Point, Perhaps
Because we have reached a point where key statistics are similar to some key long-term averages, we have to question whether this downturn can go further or not. It is possible that a lot more could go wrong. Or, with housing prices off 27% and the average homeowner paying roughly 10% of their average household income on house payments, we could be close to a price clearing point. That's the point where supply intersects demand and pricing pressure one way or the other is not abnormal.Healthy Dose of Reality
- Job growth is still very, very slow. In fact, it may in truth, still be negative. The official number has improved over the last quarter, but there is legitimate concern over how unemployment is calculated. It is important to note that the labor participation rate is a factor in the calculation that has legitimately made the news. This number appears to be uncharacteristically gyrating based on some suspect assumptions. I think this should be the focus of another blog discussion. Suffice it to say unemployment improvement is by no means a slam-dunk.
- Government debt continues to rise. February of 2012 marks one of the highest ever debt months for our treasury. It took on approximately $154.8 billion that month alone. Federal government spending now accounts for approximately 20% of overall spending in our economy (Survey of Current Business). This does not account for state, municipal, and county government spending. It is too high for a flourishing economy. I will refer to a quote from Sir John Templeton when he said "When the government gets in we get out. When the government gets out we get in". Historically, our economy has been far healthier when the government accounted for a smaller part of total spending. What I am watching now is how willing government is to step aside to let the private sector assume more of the spending pie. . No matter who runs the government, this has to happen to spur long-term, high-quality economic growth.
- The federal debt as a percentage of GDP as of 2011 is about 67%. This is historically high, but not the highest ever.
How much debt is too much debt? Let's look inward. How much debt is too much debt in our own lives? It is not uncommon for the average American homeowner to earn $75,000 and borrow $200,000 for a home. This is a personal debt to GDP ratio of 260%. It's done daily. If we extrapolate that to our federal deficit, were looking pretty good. But.......More often than not the government backs mortgage loans thereby taking away lender risk. Individuals do not have S&P ratings, but our government does and it matters. So by government fiat our loan becomes AA rated. It used to be AAA. Ultimately, the S&P rating of government debt matters and ours has decreased a notch in 2011. So, the comparison to personal debt is not really that valid because the government has tentacles just about everywhere in our system and its perceived ability to pay on time can have marvelous or catastrophic effects depending on how its credit quality is managed. Conversely, if I default on my one mortgage, the only person it affects is me.
Why Are they Still Lending Us Money?
We don't know exactly how much debt is too much debt. BUT, we have a measurement for it. Interest rates reflect the willingness or reticence of investors to trust our safety. Currently, international investors are readily lending to our Treasury even though interest rates are at or near zero in many cases. They are lending their money to us for a song. We must conclude that the U.S. Treasury is still considered the safe haven in the world compared to the rest of the world. This is a very important point.
The treasury is banking on its having plenty of room to continue borrowing. They probably do, based on current interest rates. However, make no mistake about it: interest rates will eventually be increased. When interest rates increase the first time, it will probably be teensy. The press will jump all over it 24/7, the markets will gyrate, they will settle down, and life will go on. Surprisingly, we aren't there yet.We don't know exactly how much debt is too much debt. BUT, we have a measurement for it. Interest rates reflect the willingness or reticence of investors to trust our safety. Currently, international investors are readily lending to our Treasury even though interest rates are at or near zero in many cases. They are lending their money to us for a song. We must conclude that the U.S. Treasury is still considered the safe haven in the world compared to the rest of the world. This is a very important point.
Overall, I recommend the following:
- Keeping our eyes on our actual goal.
- Building our portfolios based on our actual goal.
- Not being distracted by the stock market and its wild returns and gyrations.
- Keeping in step with your investment policy statement unless we see a really good reason to veer from it.
- Maintaining optimism with a healthy dose of realism.
As always, please feel free to call me at 952-230-1340 if you would like to talk.
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing.
Bonds are subject to market and interest rate risk. It sold prior to maturity. Bond values and yields will decline as interest rates rise and bonds are subject to availability and change in price.
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